Terms of service

This is an example page for your chevereto site. You can edit this file located in /content/themes/Peafowl/pages/tos.php

How to setup/delete more pages?

Edit the pages_config.php file located on the same directory mentioned above. This file is the one that setups the pages, just read the notes and follow the comments on it.

How to change the visual style?

Just edit/add your CSS rules on style.css and write the HTML on each page.

What about JavaScript?

Easy as you may guess... Just open header.php and paste your scripts beetwen the <head> and </head> tag. Some scripts need to be in the <body> tag, just use whatever fits your needs. By the way, you don't need to include jQuery because it loads by default on Chevereto.

More help

If you need more help we suggest you to try this alternatives: